Category Archives: Christmas

DIY Christmas Table

Christmas Eve – we are running around the house to get everything ready. 

The table is set – with plates and glasses. 

I bought some lanterns from H&M planning to use them outside in the summer. For now they are the decorations along with green leaves/spruce, red berries and beautiful apples, and not to be forgotten small mushrooms carved in wood. This is nature and Christmas spirit for me.


Baking Christmas cookies

December is finally here, and I started baking the first Christmas cookies of the year This one is a favorite – cookies with dark chocolate and almonds.

I started off by chopping the chocolate.


Then mixed chopped chocolate and almonds together with flour, coconut sugar and the rest of the ingredients.


Formed small cookies out of the dough….


And put them in the oven … In a few minutes they’ll be ready


Advent calender for my parents

It’s become a tradition – and such a great one it is!
Every November I run around to find the last gift for the calendar. The rest has been found or made during the year.

While buying the last gift I found this great wrapping paper/bags in ‘Tiger’ along with the shimmering ribbon. All gifts were wrapped in this and hung on a white hanger with a silver star.


I added small gifttags with numbers and it is now ready to be brought home by my parents.